Professor Longsword, Premier Steven Marshall, and the Adelaide North BNI Awards

January 14, 2021
Professor Longsword, Premier Steven Marshall, and the Adelaide North BNI Awards Photo: Paul Danher-Hart Icon! Graphic Design

I was honoured to be the MC at the prestigious BNI Adelaide North Awards last night, in the company of 180 dynamic business people, Premier Steven Marshall, and the Leader of the Opposition, Mr Peter Malinauskas.

At the opening of the event, I asked for those participants with MBAs to raise their hands.

Despite the business savvy stature of those present, only two hands were raised.

One of those people was Premier Steven Marshall.

As I noted, our Premier completed his college and under-graduate university studies here in Adelaide but his MBA was earned via Durham University.

This is a challenge for our school – the MBA School Of MBA Credentials – along with other local institutions, namely Flinders University, Adelaide University, and University SA.

I am sure the other Chancellors and Vice Chancellors are hoping one of our institutions might lure the good Premier to consider doing a second MBA.

It is not my place to “talk down” the others suffice to note that with the busy workload of running a state like South Australia, it would seem prudent for the Premier to choose A Lunchtime MBA so that he can not only fit it into his schedule but also support the hospitality sector, given our Adelaide Fringe Semester is being held in the restaurant of Treasury 1860.

Raise your hand if you have an MBA

Here is some footage of that important moment last night, taken by BNI member and graphic designer, Paul Danher-Hart from Icon! Graphic Design.

Some students and faculty members have asked for the transcript of my speech at this point, so I will add that here.

My name is Sebastian Longsword, Professor Sebastian Longsword, of the MBA School For MBA Credentials.

It is my great pleasure to be your MC tonight. May I get a show of hands to see who here also has an MBA.

Look at these people. Admire them. They have embraced the golden rule of the MBA: An MBA is worthless, unless everybody in the room knows you have one!

MBAs are to business what spectators are to a game of AFL. They bring diversity of thought, they create atmosphere, and they are quick to shout out advice, even when it’s not asked for.

Business “guru” Peter Drucker has it wrong

Here is a closing thought about the business power in that room last night and our innovative approach to holding a complete MBA program in the course of one, single lunchtime.

The business “guru”, Peter Drucker once wrote:

More business decisions occur over lunch and dinner than at any other time, yet no MBA courses are given on the subject.

How wrong can he be?

And you can prove him wrong by booking your tickets today to A Lunchtime MBA so that together we can make history; not only by doing the fastest MBA on the planet but also by participating in the first Adelaide Fringe show ever to grant audience members degree qualifications!*

The Adelaide Fringe Semester is being held from 1pm to 2pm every weekday at Treasury 1860. Although it is noon to 2pm if you choose the lunch plus show option.

Come for lunch, leave with an MBA!

*Some slower, more traditional higher education institutions might or might not honour your MBA

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