
Welcome to The MBA School Of MBA Credentials

About The MBA School Of MBA Credentials

The MBA School Of MBA Credentials was founded in 2018 by Professor Sebastian Longsword.

Its motto is nihil cognitu vel digna est quia doceri posse, which was inspired by Honorary Professor Oscar Wilde who once wrote:

Education is an admirable thing. But it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught.

Today, the spirit of Wilde’s chastening remarks pulse through the DNA of the school’s flagship degree, A Lunchtime MBA, in which students can accelerate through their journey over a business lunch.

The faculty believes that students should not be hampered by the traditions of tedium, nay, nor should they be held back by any deficits in ability or discipline.

We believe that what counts most is one’s eagerness to achieve, curiosity to see what happens next, and willingness to jump into new endeavours head first.

Professor Sebastian Longsword

It is not often that universities or business schools are run by a leader who is modest enough to share a photograph of him reclining in casual attire, but Professor Sebastian Longsword is such a person.

Here he is in the staff room on a Mellow Monday, an initiative he introduced from Day One, in which staff are encouraged to come in relaxed, comfortable, casual clothing to boost team building and productivity.

The professor has based this initiative on a paper by Joy V. Peluchette and Katherine Karl in the Human Resource Development Quarterly, Vol 18, Issue 3, Autumn 2007, entitled, The impact of workplace attire on employee self‐perceptions.

This is why we have #MellowMonday at #MBASchool: Significant two‐way interactions were found between dress preference and mode of dress worn on self‐perceptions of productivity, trustworthiness, creativity, and friendliness.

The professor demands that every policy and principle at The MBA School Of MBA Credentials is based on evidence drawn from management, marketing, HR, accounting, logistics, governance, and leadership literature.

He says his appetite for learning is unquenchable, giving rise to a common saying among alumni:

I'd rather have indigestion from intellectual indulgence, than blissful bowels from fibrous fiction. #MBASchool #MBAlife

Professor Longsword in casual attired on Mellow Monday at The MBA School of MBA Credentials

The Professor in casual attire for Mellow Monday

A Lunchtime MBA - 2021 Adelaide Fringe

Professor Sebastian Longsword

MBA (Expedited Learning)

Education and career background, expedited version
1970: Born, Oxfordshire, UK.
1975-82: Grammar School For Grammatical Graduates
1983-85: Bachelor School For Bachelors Wanting To Learn
1986-90: Man Of Letters At Large
1990: Tea Bagger, Imperial British Tea Company, Liverpool
1993: Lunch Cutter, Panto Bakery, Bolton
1997: Migrate to Adelaide, South Australia
1998: Canoodler, San Elmo Pasta, Adelaide
2003: Chief Pasta Puller, San Elmo Pasta, Adelaide
2016: Head Sloganeer, Edithburgh-Brass Marketing Institute, Adelaide
2018: Founder and Chief Curiosity Officer, The MBA School Of MBA Credentials
2020: Cameo appearance in Adelaide Fringe spectacular, Innuendo Everywhere
2021: World premiere of A Lunchtime MBA, the first MBA program able to be completed in 60 minutes, over lunch and a glass of red wine
2022: Keynote speaker, Seeley International National Conference, Queensland
2023: World premiere of MBA Trivia Quiz, the first MBA program able to be completed in 90 minutes in the format of pub trivia

100 per cent MBA Success: Whisky And Trivia With Professor Longsword | Adelaide Fringe 2023

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