Why study for and complete your MBA in Adelaide? The answer is simple and complex all at once.
Let us break it down.
Firstly, Adelaide is at lush, green, friendly, welcoming city. Sure, we have some seedy spots to rival Melbourne, New York, London, Paris, and Mumbai, but on the whole this city is quiet and lively both at once.
For example, look at the picture of Professor Longsword, taken outside The MBA School Of MBA Credentials. Note how intricate, peaceful, and still the ornate architecture is and how it is facilitating our learned professor in entering a phase of deep thought? But also note that behind him is the hustle and bustle of the free tram and many vehicles powered by internal combustion engines. This city is abuzz, as you’ll see on this site: Study In Adelaide.
Secondly, and most importantly, Adelaide is home to the world’s fastest and most delicious MBA – A Lunchtime MBA.
Please join us each Adelaide Fringe Semester, or at private events, to come for lunch (or dinner or breakfast) and leave with an MBA.
We have been asked to make online teaching available to spread our dynamic approach to the MBA worldwide.
While we build the online programs, here are the elements of the kit that Professor Longsword uses and endorses.
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The professor values your privacy and promises not to spam you!