Adelaide Professor Urges Students, Staff To Wear Bandages In Wake Of Donald Trump Assasination Attempt

July 21, 2024
Adelaide Professor Urges Students, Staff To Wear Bandages In Wake Of Donald Trump Assasination Attempt

Greetings, esteemed colleagues and dear students.

Today, I, Professor Longsword, am not just addressing the usual academic rigmarole; I’m embarking on a mission to “Make Democracy Great Again” by donning not one, but three bandages.

Yes, you heard that right—three bandages. Inspired by the tumultuous events surrounding former President Donald Trump, who was seen wearing an ear bandage following an assassination attempt, I believe this moment calls for a symbolic yet powerful act.

In the wake of the assasination attempt, we have all seen the new trend among Trump’s followers: the former president donned an ear bandage, and his followers have quickly mimicked the gesture.

But why stop at one?

I propose a more profound statement—let’s up the ante to three bandages, each with its own critical message for our society and democracy.

First Two Bandages: Over Both Ears The first bandages cover both ears, symbolising our stand against violence.

In today’s politically charged atmosphere, acts of violence are abhorrent and must be unequivocally condemned. But these bandages also serve another purpose—they block out the cacophony of hateful and divisive rhetoric.

Far too often, the very individuals who are victims of violence have themselves incited others with inflammatory speech. This double bandage reminds us to tune out the vitriol and focus on messages of unity and peace.

Third Bandage: Over the Mouth The third bandage, the pièce de résistance, goes over the mouth.

This is a call to action for all politicians to stop spewing dangerous, reckless rhetoric.

Our political discourse has devolved into a toxic wasteland where words are weapons, and silence, in this context, would be golden.

By covering our mouths, we symbolically urge those in power to pause, reflect, and choose their words more wisely.

This isn’t about censorship but about advocating for a higher standard of communication—one that builds bridges instead of burning them.

Fourth Bandage: Over Both Eyes Just kidding! No bandage over the eyes—our eyes must remain open to see the world clearly and act with informed compassion.

We need to see the reality of our political landscape and work toward positive change with clarity and vision.

So, dear students and faculty members, let’s join hands—or rather, ears and mouths—in this symbolic act to make democracy great again.

Wear your bandages with pride, and let’s move forward together from this shuddering moment of raw violence. Together, we can stand against violence, tune out the hate, and speak words that heal rather than harm.

Join me in this triple bandage action, and let’s make a statement that resonates across campuses and communities alike.

Let’s make democracy not just great again, but greater than ever before.

#MakeDemocracyGreatAgain #TripleBandageAction #StandAgainstViolence #UnityInSilence

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