Greetings, fellow intellectual adventurers! Today, I, Professor Sebastian Longsword, bring you an extraordinary tale from the nocturnal musings of my Good Lady Wife, intertwined with the ethereal whispers of the spirit world.
It all began last night, when my Good Lady Wife, a woman of remarkable intuition and a penchant for the whimsical, awoke in the wee hours, eyes wide with a revelation. She had been visited, she proclaimed, by none other than the spirit of the late and great former premier, Don Dunstan.
In her dream, the venerable Don, resplendent in his trademark safari suit, expressed profound sorrow over the bygone era of university life in the 1960s and 1970s. An era, he reminisced, where debate was rich, raw, and fashion was delightfully flamboyant.
As the dream unfolded, this supposed Don Dunstan spirit revealed a startling secret: the subliminal inspiration for the newly unveiled Adelaide University logo.
According to the spectral premier, the design elements were not merely an homage to the Adelaide Festival Centre or South Australia’s geography. No, the true muse was far more whimsical and sartorial – the vibrant range of flared pants patterns produced by iconic companies such as Butterick, Simplicity, and Vogue during the 1970s.
Let’s Employ Some Adelaide University Academic Rigour, Please
Now, before we dive deeper into this sartorial-spiritual conspiracy, let us revisit the facts surrounding the new logo.
Officially launched on July 15, 2024, at the Adelaide Convention Centre, the logo features the initials AU in pristine white on a dark blue backdrop.
Co-vice chancellor Professor David Lloyd elucidated its design, highlighting influences from the angles of the Adelaide Festival Centre and the geography of South Australia.
The AU monogram, tilted forward, symbolises momentum and a future focus. Curvature nods to the shields of the founding institutions, while the color palette, including the trademarked “North Terrace purple,” embodies the essence of South Australia.
That’s Not What My Good Lady Wife Saw
However, my Good Lady Wife’s dream presents a tantalizingly different narrative.
In her nocturnal encounter, Don Dunstan lamented the loss of the university’s golden era and revealed his clandestine efforts to resurrect its spirit.
This dream-based character proclaimed he had been infiltrating the subconscious realms of the co-vice chancellors, flooding their dreams with images of the audacious fashion trends of his time – particularly the flamboyant flared pants patterns that once graced the pages of Butterick, Simplicity, and Vogue catalogs.
Imagine, if you will, Professor David Lloyd, drifting into a deep slumber, only to find himself surrounded by an array of kaleidoscopic patterns and swirling fabrics. The spirit of Don Dunstan, with a twinkle in his eye, whispering, “Embrace the flamboyance, David. Let the patterns guide you.”
Indeed, the curves and angles of the new logo, when viewed through this whimsical lens, bear an uncanny resemblance to the flowing lines and bold designs of 1970s fashion.

The “North Terrace purple” could very well be a nod to the vibrant hues that once dominated university corridors, as students clad in flared pants and wide-collared shirts debated passionately about the future of the world.
My Good Lady Wife insists that this dream was no mere flight of fancy.
As evidence, she points to the undeniable fact that the new logo has evoked a sense of nostalgia and a revival of the spirited debates of yesteryear. The spirit of Don Dunstan, she believes, has successfully influenced the design, ensuring that the legacy of the golden era continues to inspire future generations.
So, dear readers, the next time you gaze upon the new Adelaide University logo, remember this tale of sartorial spirits and nocturnal revelations.
Reflect on the profound impact of flared pants patterns and the enduring legacy of a time when university life was a vibrant tapestry of bold ideas and even bolder fashion choices.
And who knows? Perhaps the spirit of Don Dunstan still roams the hallowed halls, guiding us with his flamboyant wisdom, one dream at a time.
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