What a heady week it’s been with my first appearance at an Australian Marketing Institute meeting (my confidante, Steve Davis, is a CPM and Fellow) and my first taste of seeing an infographic of an entrepreneur that attracted a male-skewed conversation in 2021.
Before we get to the Wine and Book Pairing, let’s just look at this intriguing instagram post and its comments.
Here is the image, followed by its original caption on Instagram by @beabusinessmind:
The anatomy of an entrepreneur, same as the anatomy of a great digital marketing campaign, is not a simple one. Being a successful entrepreneur is not a flat ride or a walk in the park. There are many things involved, things that are more than what meet the eyes. 🤲🏻 There are so many traits, which define the anatomy of an entrepreneur but the most important ones are passion, risk taking, opportunistic and determination. These 4 characteristics are essential to entrepreneurial success. @beabusinessmind, we accompany entrepreneurs to help them succeed in their enterprise. If you have any questions about how we can help you, just contact @beabusinessmind and ask us.
And one of the early comments was from @financevisionn:
An entrepreneur is a man with a VISION. He know what to do with a great team and he’ll never stop learning every single day and never search for motivation instead always stick with discipline. Agree with me??
To which @beabusinessmind responded:
Yes totally agreed with you. And as I said in the captions, there are many things involved, things that are more than what meet the eyes. Thank you for your great comment. 🔥
And so here, we see no reference to inclusive language, nor a genderless entrepreneur. It seems, to be hirsute is to be a business mind.
Enter Jennifer Brown and her book on How To Be An Inclusive Leader.
She makes a strong point that to be such a leader is to be in an uncomfortable role and we expect that one day @beabusinessmind will embrace such discomfort as they “listen to feedbacks”.
But what wine to pair with such a challenge?
None other than Yellow Tail Shiraz, the wine that many wine people (myself included) snicker about and would never dare to drink in public.
As you’ll see in the Wine and Book Pairing, though, embracing a perception of expected discomfort can sometimes lead to pleasant surprises. Watch and learn.
You can taste this style of MBA Thinking for yourself, by signing up today to do A Lunchtime MBA during the 2021 Adelaide Fringe.
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