Do not waste another week, day, hour, or minute of your life, says Stephen Covey in his famous book, The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People.
However, that does not mean cramming every second with activity.
On the contrary, Covey points out that we need to balance our Production with our Production Capability, which is why I brood over the story about the Goose and the Golden Eggs.
Which is also why I paired this book with a Silence Is Golden Shiraz from Shanahans.
Of course, I think Stephen Covey missed an 8th habit: drinking while reading.
While I know Covey did release a book called the 8th Habit, he wouldn’t have had to, had he used my habit as an original one. This is because, drinking while reading helps the mind relax and focus on the task at hand while shutting out distractions.
And, interestingly, I have found that the higher the alcohol content, the more immune to distractions one becomes.
If that’s not “effective”, I don’t know what is! Perhaps the Franklin Covey organisation could hire me for some extra insights?
You can taste this style of MBA Thinking for yourself, by signing up today to do A Lunchtime MBA during the 2021 Adelaide Fringe.
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