
A note about these articles

Here’s our selection of articles written by Professor Longsword and other faculty members. We also welcome articles and contributions from students and alumni of the MBA School Of MBA Credentials. And students, please note, citing articles found on our website counts for a weighting of 400% when compared to citations from other sources. Talk to your lecturer, tutor, or the Professor himself, for clarification.

Adelaide MBA School to teach GameStop-like investment in Adelaide Adventure Rooms

Many students have asked me to analyse the GameStop phenomenon that has taken Wall Street and the popular press by storm. And it is healthy that a new crop of…

Wine and Book Pairing: The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey with a Shanahans Silence Is Golden Barossa Shiraz

Do not waste another week, day, hour, or minute of your life, says Stephen Covey in his famous book, The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People. However, that does not…

Wine and Book Pairing: How To Be An Inclusive Leader by Jennifer Brown with a Yellow Tail Shiraz

What a heady week it’s been with my first appearance at an Australian Marketing Institute meeting (my confidante, Steve Davis, is a CPM and Fellow) and my first taste of…

How the Adelaide Crows new Chief Executive can restore the Football Club with MBA Thinking

Let’s face facts. The Adelaide Crows aka Adelaide Football Club has fallen from grace in recent years and it does not augur well for the year when the first official…

Wine and Book Pairing: Marketing by Philip Kotler et al with a South African Pinotage

Marketing is one of the most important topics in an MBA because, let’s face it, without Marketing the Higher Education sector would not have been able to create the MBA…

Wine and Book Pairing: Who Moved My Cheese? by Dr Spencer Johnson with a Grosset Riesling

The late author, Dr Spencer Johnson, was famous for his One-Minute Manager book as well as his fable-style book, Who Moved My Cheese? And yet, sadly, the “light” nature of…

Wine and Book Pairing: A Bigger Picture by Malcolm Turbull with a Wynns Cabernet

Former Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, published an expansive autobiography that some MBA students find useful for its political and cultural insights as well as its weight. I’m told it makes…

Australia can binge watch its way to economic recovery: Netflix and networks should stream business books during TV shows

Australia could be standing at a crossroads right now, looking both ways to read the economic traffic, and trying to determine whether it’s safe to cross, better to disrupt, or…

Promotional photos and operational logistics: Efficiency for updating Adelaide breakfast radio teams

I’ve been puzzling recently, over why breakfast radio promotional photographs look so similar. The thought was stirred by a friend of mine and former radio person, Steve Davis. He shared…

Reverse Citations: How to write academic papers for Trump supporters

We are apolitical at the MBA School Of MBA Credentials. Our challenge is to view the world through the lens of curiosity and apply MBA Thinking whenever problems need solutions.…

Reshaping John Dillermand: The book is mightier than the penis

Denmark’s equivalent of the ABC, DR, has launched a TV show for children aged 4-8 about a man with a penis that can grow very, very, very long and often…

You can’t polish a turd but you can harness its pulling power on social media

A student who has enrolled for A Lunchtime MBA during the Adelaide Fringe Semester next month, has posed an interesting question. Why do posts about poop in our community Facebook…

Professor Longsword, Premier Steven Marshall, and the Adelaide North BNI Awards

I was honoured to be the MC at the prestigious BNI Adelaide North Awards last night, in the company of 180 dynamic business people, Premier Steven Marshall, and the Leader…

Professor Longsword interviewed by media insider Mark Aiston

Something a little different today. It is an interview recorded yesterday in which the Media Insider Mark Aiston MBA (hon) discusses MBAs, The MBA School Of MBA Credentials, and how…

Universities and mansplaining: Why we started the Mantraining Elective

Many South Australians will remember how an image that hit the media (and social media) in 2018 that brought a lot of heat onto the University of Adelaide because it…

Thank Goodness It’s Monday: Reclaiming TGIF with MBA Thinking

Another day, another week, means another chance to apply MBA Thinking to your life and the lives of those around you. I saw a delightful post from a rather smart,…

Do not study your MBA online: The universities’ new clothes

My Google searches are filled with ads for MBA courses at this time of year and it worries me greatly that almost all institutions are boasting about MBA degrees that…

Why we should stop free riding on Adelaide trams

I was in the city of Adelaide yesterday, preparing to catch the free tram service from the MBA School Of MBA Credentials (13th floor of 144 King William Street, just…

How to use your MBA to write more convincing spam

Ms Paige Turner received an email yesterday from a Daniel Roos who claimed to be representing Best Professional SEO and Web Design Services Company. The dilemma for Daniel is that…

We are one and free: HR lessons from the Australian National Anthem lyric change

Many of us were satisfyingly surprised when Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced a one-word change to the Australian national anthem, especially those of us who teach HR topics as part…

Shorten meetings with waggle dancing instead of words: Hive mind management lessons from bees

In the book Honeybee Democracy by Thomas D. Seeley, we learn many insights into the collective ways bees work together, and which might help us liven up staff meetings and…

2021 New Years Honorary Degrees List

One of the joys of leading a dynamic team of entrepreneurially-minded faculty members at The MBA School Of MBA Credentials, is to be able to strap onto their enthusiasm and…

Uber Eats, the E-Myth Revisited, and Quadrilateral Relations

It seems that every day in the world of business, a new conundrum arises requiring sharp and flexible thought on the part of MBAs to enable us to examine and…

Pass The Dip: Why Seth Godin’s thinking is in harmony with A Lunchtime MBA

I’m going to let you in on an exciting little secret involving A Lunchtime MBA and marketing superstar and masterful author, Seth Godin. I must confess to being somewhat of…

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